Expert talk On “PCOD”
For the clinical exposure of M. Pharm (Pharmacy practice) and Pharm D students, Chandigarh College of Pharmacy in association with IIC and Radiance Hospital, Mohali organized an expert talkon the topic “Poly cystic ovarian disease” (PCOD). The day was proceeded with Expert talk by eminent speaker,Dr. RimmiSingla, Managing Director Radiance Hospital Mohali. Shegave brief introduction of Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD)to students. Further she emphasized on signs and symptoms of PCOD in females. She concluded her talk by giving stress on early diagnosis of disease and empowering girls with medical care for PCOD, lifestyle modifications etc. It was very informative and interactive session for students.The day was ended with vote of thanks by the Ms. Shikha Virk, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, CCP.The distinguished guest Dr. RimmySingla was honored with memento as a token of gratitude by Director Principal Dr. Sauabh Sharma and Head of department Dr. SupriyaAgnihotri.